Opportunities Plus
Students are in the Opportunities Plus program for one reason--they are at risk of not graduating from high school. These students may have little or no support network, have made poor decisions in the past; and/or struggle academically. The Opportunities Plus program is their network of support. Consequently, the Opportunities Plus staff take a more personal role in the life of the student. The primary purpose of the staff is to be a liaison between parents, school and students. To do so, good relationships with all parties involved is important.
The programs objectives: academic achievement, one on one differentiated instruction, time management, study skills, and decision making skills.
Progress Reports
The instructor constantly reviews grades and works with students on upcoming and past assignments. Instruction is differentiated to meet each student's needs according to the subject.
The instructor is in contact with parents in regards to each student’s grades, behaviors, achievements, and weaknesses. An open line of communication is important and encouraged.
The instructor uses class time to insure students are staying on track with their assignments and upcoming tests. The instructor organizes study sessions with other students, facilitates good study habits and assists students in completing their assignments.
Parent Contact
Parental contact is integral to the success of the program. At-risk students do not communicate with home. Parents may feel uncomfortable contacting teachers or may be unable to contact anyone during the regular school day. The instructor works constantly to insure the lines of communication remain open. Team meetings with parents, teachers, and students can be held when students are making no progress. In addition, when students are absent – the counselor will call home. When students get a poor report from a teacher – the instructor may call home.
Instructor: Mrs. Stephanie Berger